Intercultural Dimensions

Crossing Cultures Senegal, West Africa Program


Intercultural Dimensions ©2009,, telephone: 617-864-8442

Intercultural Dimensions brought me to the developing world for the first time, and since then I have lived, studied or traveled in Nepal, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Brazil, and South Africa. Janet and John's knowledge, network of friends, and love of Senegal allowed us to really experience Senegalese life, while always feeling safe and well guided. The trip not only brought me into the families, lives, careers and traditions of the Senegalese people, it taught me how to travel, observe, learn, ask questions and be culturally sensitive. I am pursuing a career in international development, focused on microfinance, and to this end I plan to attend graduate school and join the Peace Corps. I currently work for the Association for Enterprise Opportunity, the national association for U.S. microenterprise development. Without reservation I can say that my travel, academic and career choices are due to my experience in Senegal.

Amanda, Chappaqua, New York

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